Gabriel Wilkins


Graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for Urban and Regional Planning
BAs in Geography and Environmental Studies, Philosophy

3+ years of experience with GIS applications (including QGIS, R, ENVI, ArcMap, and ArcGIS Online).

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Comparing Wisconsin Cities: Madison and Milwaukee

Project for Advanced GIS course at UMBC

This project compared the demographics of Madison, WI, and Milwaukee, WI. Population, median household income, and statistics on race and ethnicity for block groups in each city for 2018 were gathered based on the 5-year American Community Survey (ACS).

Demographics of Madison, WI

Demographics of Milwaukee, WI

Census data was gathered using tidycensus in R, using code like the example shown:

Madison_census <- get_acs(geography = "block group",
            variables = c(population = "B01003_001",
                          medincome = "B19013_001",
                          white = "C02003_003",
                          black = "C02003_004",
                          hispanic = "B03002_012",
                          asian = "C02003_006"), 
              state = "WI",
              county = "Dane",
              year = 2018,
              survey = "acs5",
              geometry = TRUE, 

All data is projected in EPSG 3857 Web Mercator. Charts were generated using Chart.js
Made using R 3.6.2 and QGIS 3.10 (with Stamen Toner Lite and Stamen Watercolor basemaps). Hosted on Leaflet via the QGIS2web plugin for QGIS.