Gabriel Wilkins


Graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for Urban and Regional Planning
BAs in Geography and Environmental Studies, Philosophy

3+ years of experience with GIS applications (including QGIS, R, ENVI, ArcMap, and ArcGIS Online).

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Health Services in West Virgina

Project for Advanced GIS course at UMBC

This project looked at the access to health care services across the state of West Virginia, including a more in-depth look at Charleston, WV.

The first map is colored based on the number of emergency health services (EMS) located within each census block group. The location of each hospital is also displayed, and the lines show the distance from each recognized population center to the hospital closest to it.

The second map focuses on Charleston, West Virginia, displaying the population of census blocks in and around the city, as well as the location of nearby hospitals. A network analysis was performed using the road network data, and iso-areas are displayed which indicate the travel distance along this road network needed to reach this hospital, up to 5 kilometers.
Data was gathered from the West Virginia GIS Technical Center.
All data is projected in NAD83 UTM 17N.
Made using QGIS 3.10 (with Google Satellite).